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MaxBlaster USA
Ozone Generator
PRO-G Edition


Using multiple ozone machines is ideal for professional treatments, faster results, distributing ozone gas more evenly across larger spaces, and treating multiple locations at the same time. Our PRO-G ozone generator is intended for industrial grade applications. Recommended only for those who are comfortable handling & maintaining high-performance equipment. Neutralizes severe organic odors at their source. Kills mold, virus, and toxins with proper protocol. High-Intensity "shock" treatment up to 2000sqft. Made in America with no cheap import plates or transformers. No unnecessary parts or gimmicky features. Thousands sold since 2006. Direct shipping. 99.3% success rating. Reliable service & parts department. Lifetime trade-in credit. 100%  Guaranteed.


  • MODEL YEAR: 2025 (19th year)
    DIMENSIONS: 15" x 5" x 5" x 11 lbs
    OZONE OUTPUT: < 20,000mghr
    SHOCK TREATMENT: < 2000sqft
    OZONE COVERAGE: < 6000sqft
    TRANSFORMER: 5000V advanced
    PLATES: 7-plate generator pack
    ELECTRICAL: 110V 120W 1AMP
    FAN: 110CFM | 10-Year Guarantee

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